Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wolf Fans

Wolf Children

A wonderful animation that brought tears to my eyes and smiles to my face. Wolf Children brings you a story of tragic lost and undying love. I will not say what happens, for all of you that haven't seen the animation. I love Wolf Children and give it a five start rating. There's not much I can say without giving it away, but I highly recommend that you either see it or buy it, maybe do both!!
           In fact you may want to do both! Wolf Children never fails to capture the heart and have you watching it over and over again. The graphics are amazing and the plot is to die for!
     That's all I have to say about this animation and I hope you find it as enjoyable as I did!

Thanks for reading!
<3 <3 <3 <3 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Under the Confusing Sky?

We Without Wings

 Not much needs to be said for this anime, however it was one of my favorites due to a certain song (haha you know which one! ;) ). Anyway, there was really only one main character in this anime, but it was expressed in many characters--didn't make any sense until I read a review--with the story having no plot or losing it's
original plot somewhere along the line. 
 We can say that the anime held a lot of echi stuff and held conversations around echi topics. Overall, if I would rate this anime, the rating will be 3.5, on a scale of 1-5. I would only recommend this anime if you wanted to pass the time or just needed something to watch. 
      Thanks for reading!
                   <3 <3 <3 <3  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Unanswered Questions or Unanswered Thoughts?


Three thoughts occurred to me when watching this anime. (Episode 12, Episode 10, and Episode 9; is where these thoughts play). Nevertheless, before I begin I would like to state that Loveless was intense and always got me yearning for more.
       It's too bad that they never made a second season. :'(
Soubi's a Toy

As this was mention throughout the story that Soubi was Seimei's toy; if so then what for? And why? I don't think Ritsuka ever stopped and thought to consider this. This idea got me thinking endless possibilities of Seimei's "real" actions. Of course we will never know until next season.       

                                                     Yamato's Conversation with Ritsuka

This thought actually, in a way, connects with the one above. Yamato tells Ritsuka that Seimei wasn't who Ritsuka thinks he was or is. Which, of course, Ritsuka yells at Yamato "It isn't true!" and "You never knew Seimei!" As the audience, however, we could see that in the next episodes that Seimei acts pretty bad boyish and not as Ritsuka describes him to be. Seimei's actions and plans remains a secret.

Zero's Special Word Spell

Yamato and Kouya (female Zero pair) fight Natsuo and Youjichi (male Zero pair) with each of them never knowing that Nagisa-sensei created another Zero model. The female Zeros start out the fight using a "special" word spell that defeats the male Zeros in a spilt second. Which, later is explained by Soubi calling Ritsu, his former sensei, about the spell and basically what the hell it is and how to get around it. Ritsu tells Soubi that is a word spell that allows sacrifices to be traded, but by doing this word spell sends the sacrifice in horrify pain, and the coast of losing your own sacrifice (the person who casts the spell). However, when the female Zeros face off with Soubi and Ritsuka the fights stops because Yamato starts to feel pain, but if it were to go on I wonder if the spell would have actually worked. Soubi and Ritsuka have different names, so would the spell still work or would the spell search for Seimei? Yet, again as I've been thinking, Ritsuka was able to still be a sacrifice to Soubi despite the differ of names; so maybe the spell would've still worked, but who knows?!

Thanks for reading!
<3 <3 <3 <3  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
P.S.  Since this was a yaoi, it thought me to realize that Seimei is ironic to seimei vs. uke. Just thought I'd mention that I found it quite interesting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

μ's vs. A-rise

 Love Live School Idol Project!

μ's band members hold angelic voices that I have found either sooth me to sleep or gradually get me dancing or singing along. I love the idea of how they started by saving their school. You can feel the fun and happiness behind their music; it just brings a smile to your face, making your voice dance all over the place. However, another band gets involve in this beautiful story that I find very, very amazing.  


A-rise, which is introduced in the 1st season as an inspiring idea to save the school, songs are nothing, but full of energy! A-rise has never failed to get me in a dancing mood and searching the web for more songs. The lyrics are not as good, but nevertheless
they will never leave #1 in my favorite band list!

Thank you for reading my review!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ